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Different type of cards in the game 


  • Character cards: Each character has a unique ability which can be used during the game


  • Skill cards: These cards allow you or others to complete a series of action in order to gain the ability from these cards, can be used to gain, steal or destroyed others elixir. Use it wisely! 


  •  Elixir cards: Hidden among the skill cards deck, you must earn 5 elixir to win the game

​How to play 


  • How to win: Gain 5 Elixir cards to win!


  • Game start: Every player randomly pick a character card and draw 5 cards from the card deck(which has all the skill card and elixir card shuffled in), players are not allowed to hold on to elixir cards when start


  • On each turn: Draw one card from the deck and play up to 3 actions:

  1. Play a skill card (1 action)

  2. Uses character’s ability (1 action, can only use once per turn)

  3. The player can end its turn anytime 


  • Game Ends: when a total of 20 elixir cards had been drawn from the deck。the player with most elixir card wins

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Image Sources/References: 

- All images and icon used in the design of game cards are from: PicsArt

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